Thursday, January 5, 2012


I was walking home earlier this evening when I saw two young men standing near a traffic light, looking a little clueless, trying to read street names in the darkness of a January evening. As I approached, I could see they were pretty well dressed and looked like someway decent folk. The taller of the two raised his eyebrows at me in a "Could you help me?" kind of way. I wandered over. I was crossing at this junction anyway.

"Sorry sir..." American accent. This wasn't going to end well. He continued "...but have you thought about how, in these times of hardship for so many people, that maybe the answers lie in the Lord J-".
I bowed my head, as if a headache just kicked off between my ears. Raised my hands a little and mumbled "Sorry, not today" before he got to finish his question. I went to cross the street, the man had just turned green (The traffic light man, not the Jehovah's Witness, although that may have brought me back to religion. The ability to change colour to match my surroundings would be an excellent super power to have. I'd endure a few masses if superhuman abilities were on offer. Don't bullshit me with "everlasting life", that doesn't count.)

I crossed the street, so did they. I walked a little faster, but SO DID THEY. I walked past some people on the street. Two girls at an ATM. Some loud Italians at the bus stop. A young couple coming out of the shop. None of these people were asked about God, the two sets of footsteps behind me no quieter than before.

These men wanted my soul, and they wanted it bad. I crossed the street, nearly home. Didn't look back as I crossed. Went to take the penultimate corner before my flat and quickly checked behind me. A blown-over wheelie bin.

Across the street, outside the Harp and Castle pub, the two young men had stopped an old woman who'd come out for a smoke. She raised her hands and shook her head. They walked on, and I went home.

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