...I just picked up my laptop today, will be back writing proper stuff very soon.
Anyway, I wrote this this morning. Nothing fancy, but you can't say I don't keep this majiggy updated. Well, you can, but it'd make you a bit of a prick.
A few things of mine needed fixing up. The inner part of my sunglasses case needed sticking down, one of the rubber feet on my printer has been off it since Christmas and, well, a few other bits and pieces.
So yesterday, at lunchtime, I went out and bought a tube of UHU glue for the first time in YEARS and, when I got in that evening, I went about sticking my stuff back together.
I screwed open the lid and it hit me. The smell. It brought me back, way back.
Back to Saturday nights in my granny's house, doing arts and crafts with toilet roll tubes and matchboxes. Back to sticking the handle back onto a mug in mad panic before the mother came in from putting clothes on the the washing line. Back to playing with action figures and sticking He-Man's sword onto his back so he'd look cool and regretting it three minutes later when I wanted the sword back.
I love the smell of UHU glue. It stuck my childhood (and occasionally my fingers) together. Which... might be a problem. Maybe I should throw it away now before I start huffing it in a bag to feel young again.
Anyway, I wrote this this morning. Nothing fancy, but you can't say I don't keep this majiggy updated. Well, you can, but it'd make you a bit of a prick.
A few things of mine needed fixing up. The inner part of my sunglasses case needed sticking down, one of the rubber feet on my printer has been off it since Christmas and, well, a few other bits and pieces.
So yesterday, at lunchtime, I went out and bought a tube of UHU glue for the first time in YEARS and, when I got in that evening, I went about sticking my stuff back together.
I screwed open the lid and it hit me. The smell. It brought me back, way back.
Back to Saturday nights in my granny's house, doing arts and crafts with toilet roll tubes and matchboxes. Back to sticking the handle back onto a mug in mad panic before the mother came in from putting clothes on the the washing line. Back to playing with action figures and sticking He-Man's sword onto his back so he'd look cool and regretting it three minutes later when I wanted the sword back.
I love the smell of UHU glue. It stuck my childhood (and occasionally my fingers) together. Which... might be a problem. Maybe I should throw it away now before I start huffing it in a bag to feel young again.
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